Friday, August 24, 2007

Off to San Antonio...

Greetings! You've arrived at the blog of Todd Schmidt -- thanks for visiting my first foray into the "blogosphere." I've set this up in order to facilitate the sharing of news and photos of my two year journey to South America with you, my friends and family back in the states. Please post any comments (especially nice ones -- or at least constructive comments) that you might have. It will be great to hear from you.

If I haven't told you yet, I am headed on September 23 to Chimbote, Peru, where I will be serving for two years with the Incarnate Word Missionaries (a lay missionary program sponsored by Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word). Before then, I will be headed back to Corvallis and Portland for the August 24-26 weekend, including participating in the Portland Century Bike Ride as a last hurrah for Oregon. On Monday, August 27 I fly to San Antonio where I will have orientation with IWM and some time to brush up on my Spanish and Peruvian history. I am tonight at the home of my folks in Redding, CA, where I am coming into the last stages of preparing and packing to head out -- steadily checking things off the list.

While in San Antonio I will still have my phone with me (541-602-4327), and after that you can reach me through this blog, by email at, or by postal mail at the following address:

Urb. 21 de Abril “B” 33-01
Apt. Postal No. 433
Chimbote, Peru

Since "Todd" is a difficult name for Spanish-speakers to pronounce and my middle name is Raymond, I will be going by Ramón in Peru. A new name, a new country, a new continent, a new job -- lots of "new" coming up! Speaking of my job, I will be helping out the Incarnate Word Sisters at the local parish, especially in youth ministry, and in various other outreach ministries which they sponsor in the city. Many more details on exactly what that means will be upcoming in future postings, so stay tuned.

God bless!